Becoming Irreducible
Ulvetanna is rebranding to Irreducible

Irreducible Team
As we continue to evolve and refine our technology, our company—formerly Ulvetanna—is beginning a new chapter with a name that better encapsulates our core strategy and expertise: Irreducible. The name reflects the foundational nature of zero-knowledge cryptography, which is secured by the fundamental complexity of computation and the properties of irreducible polynomials, and digital logic design, which is ultimately synthesized to the elemental level of transistors.
The zero-knowledge industry has recognized Ulvetanna's research in both high-throughput circuit design and binary field cryptography as major steps toward solving the performance issues in verifiable computing. With the Irreducible identity, we are committed to producing equally high-quality research and, at the same time, bringing the world's fastest proving technology into production. As a step towards productionization, today we are also announcing our end-to-end FPGA acceleration of Polygon zkEVM.
We believe fast and cheap verifiable and zero-knowledge computing will bring truth and privacy to the Internet. We are more excited than ever to work with the ZK industry to realize this vision.